The United States of America

Chapter 11

I recently wrote the following:

I have lived to see America become the most blessed nation ever to exist on this earth. This was a direct result of a promise of God to Abraham when He said, "In thee all nations of the earth shall be blessed." Gen.18:18 And Jacob passed it on to Joseph's two sons Ephraim and Manasseh. One of them was to become a league of nations and the other was to be a great nation. As a result the British Empire was born and later the United States of America. However, we in the USA have become as Israel did in the past and we slowly forgot that because God was faithful to His promise is the reason we have been blessed.

In America's greatest moments there was always sin, and in its worst moments, greatness. However, in the middle of the twentieth century we began officially removing God from our national life. We abolished prayer and Scripture reading in our public schools. We began removing the Ten Commandments from public view and banning it from our public squares. The very mention of Jesus name became more and more taboo and unwelcome unless for the purpose of mockery and attack. That which had once been revered as sacred was now increasingly treated as profanity. You say, "Well, I didn't take part in doing these things!' Neither did I but we just sit back and didn't do anything about it! We are the ones that need to repent for doing nothing. Repentance means that we turn around from doing nothing and do something.

As God was being taken from American life, idols came in to fill the void. Idols of sensuality, idols of greed,of money, success, comfort, materialism, pleasure, sexual immorality, self-worship, and self-obsession. The sacred increasingly disappeared and the profane took its place. Our nation forgot its foundations, its purpose and its calling. The standards and values it had long upheld were now abandoned. What had once been known as immoral, is now accepted. Our culture was corrupted by the corrosion of sexual immorality, growing continuously more crude and vulgar. A wave of pornography began penetrating our media. The same nation that had once been dedicated to spreading God's gospel to the nations now filled the world with the pornographic and the obscene.

We gradually have become tolerant for everything opposed to God. We have become tolerant for immorality and a growing intolerance for the pure. We allowed other religions that didn't recognize our God to come into our country and build their temples and establish their customs and we said nothing all because we didn't want to offend them. Appeasement became our motto. Therefore, innocence was ridiculed and virtue was vilified. We allowed our children to be taught sexual immorality in our public schools while the Word of God was banned. We had a tolerance that put the profane on public display and removed nativity scenes from public sight.

Ten years after we removed prayer and the reading of scripture from our public schools, because we didn't want to offend some one, our leaders legalized the killing of our unborn babies. The blood of the innocent has now stained our collective hands. As a result, America is in danger of judgment!

During the Obama administration many prayers were lifted up to the Lord as we begin to see the direction Obama was leading this country wasn't according to the Word of the Lord. As a result the Lord heard our cries out to Him and He laid it on Donald Trump's heart to run for president in 2016. When Trump began to talk about cleaning out the swamp in Washington DC all Hell broke loose. Under the Obama administration satan thought he had finally got a foothold on destroying the greatest nation ever to exist on this earth.

There has never been a president of these United States of America that has been more viciously attacked by the far left Democratic Part and the News Media like Donald Trump. I have shared with you about the evil spirits that are motivating all those who don't know the Lord and behind many Christians who are asleep spiritually to oppose this great movement of the Lord.

The true prophets in the body of Christ are hearing form the Lord about what He is doing through Donald Trump and if you have an ear to hear the voice of the Lord you will know that the Lord is leading and directing Trump. He is stirring up and unmasking the evil behind so many of our leaders as never before.

I just want to give you some of the things that Trump promised he would due if elected. When he ran in 2016 and promised pro-life, pro-religious freedom policies, most evangelicals who voted for him didn't know whether he would or could fulfill those promises When they look back now, they see he checked off all of those goals.

When Donald Trump assumed the presidency, conservative religious leaders drew up a wish list of steps they hoped hed take to oppose abortion and rein in the LGBTQ-rights movement. With a flurry of recent actions, Trump'administration is now winning their praise for aggressively fulfilling many of their goals.

Mat Staver, president of the legal advocacy organization Liberty Counsel, said Trump has fulfilled about 90% of the goals on a list that Staver and other conservative leaders compiled.

"In the first two years of his administration, he's achieved more than all of the presidents combined since Ronald Reagan, Staver said. "He's been the most pro-religious freedom and pro-life president in modern history."

From both the right and left, activists noted that Trump's numerous appointments of federal judges have been welcomed by the religious right as a potential long-term boost to its causes.

"We are heartened by the appointment of constitutionalist judges, including two excellent Supreme Court justices (Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh), and look forward to more such appointments throughout the federal court system," said Bruce Hausknecht, judicial analyst for Focus on the Family.

The Trump administration actions represent a sharp turnaround from the presidency of Barack Obama, who supported abortion rights and same-sex marriage, mandated that contraception be covered by the Affordable Care Act, enabled transgender people to serve openly in the military, and issued guidance to school districts that they should let transgender students use the bathrooms of their choice. He went through out the world apologizing for our country and telling the world that we were no longer a Christian nation. He bowed before Muslim leaders in humility as our President.

Alliance Defending Freedom is among the conservative legal groups that has litigated against numerous Obama-era initiatives and has welcomed Trump's moves to reverse them.

"The defense of life, free speech, and religious liberty should never be subject to political and cultural whims," said Kristen Waggoner, an ADF senior vice president. "They are constitutional guarantees, and we are grateful that this administration recognizes that reality and is taking serious steps to correct injustice and protect all Americans."

President Trump has made it a priority to support every American's fundamental right to religious freedom enshrined in the Bill of Rights.

  • In 2017, President Trump signed an executive order to advance religious freedom, restoring the ideals that have undergirded our Nation since its founding.
  • The President took action to ensure Americans and organizations are not forced to violate their religious or moral beliefs by complying with Obamacare's contraceptive mandate.
  • The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) established a new Conscience and Religious Freedom division to help direct the agency's efforts to protect religious freedom.
  • HHS took action to protect the right of healthcare entities to act according to their conscience.
  • Recently, the Administration finalized a rule providing more flexibility for Federal employees whose religious beliefs require them to abstain from work on certain days.
  • The Administration has unequivocally stood for religious freedom in the courts.

The Trump Administration's efforts to advance religious freedom are vital to combating rising levels of violence around the globe.  

  • Eighty-three percent of the world's population lives in nations where religious freedom is threatened or banned.
  • The Trump Administration is deeply concerned for the more than 1 million Uyghur's interned in Chinese internment camps.
  • Christians are the most persecuted religious group in the world.
  • Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, Baha'is, humanists, and non-believers alike'almost every group has been increasingly persecuted over the past decade.
  • President Trump is hosting the Global Call to Protect Religious Freedom event, calling on the international community and business leaders to work to protect religious freedom.
  • The President is calling on all nations to act to bring an end to religious persecution and stop crimes against people of faith.
  • The State Department has hosted two Religious Freedom Ministerials, during which more than 100 governments and religious leaders committed to fight religious persecution.

The Administration is spearheading the International Religious Freedom Alliance, an alliance of nations dedicated to confronting religious persecution around the world.

  • The Administration has taken steps to protect victims of all faiths from religious violence.

The Administration will dedicate an additional $25 million to protect religious freedom and religious sites and relics.

  • The Department of Justice hosted its Summit on Combating Anti-Semitism in July.
  • The United States has provided humanitarian aid to help Christians and Yazidis who suffered at the hands of ISIS and to help Rohingya Muslim refugees fleeing persecution.

These are just a few of the things the President is doing to promote religious freedom around the world and here at home. Those of you who are Christians know the importance of having a leader who understands that this nation was established by the Lord and our fore fathers have based our constitution on the laws of God. In the recent past we have had presidents that paid very little attention to the laws of God and because we have cried out to the Lord for his person to be set in the office of the President of our great country, He has answered our prayers. I am really amazed at so many Christians who have been swayed by the News Media and have listened to people in Congress like, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff spew there venom against our President. Have we drifted so far from studying the Word of God that we no longer can hear the voice of the Lord? Prophets from all around this great country of ours are confirming the Lord's selection of Donald Trump to be our President and clean out the swamp and not only ours but the world's also.

I encourage you to pay special attention to what is going on politically in Washington DC and the rest of the world. This year you are going to see a manifestation of the Spirit of the Lord setting things on this earth in order and millions coming to accept the Lord as their Savor. I beseech you brethren, learn what the Lord's will is for this nation and don't get caught in a position of opposition to it.

There will be a tremendous shaking this year in the Congress of this country which will astound you. It will begin to happen after the election. This will cause an uproar in our cities because the evil that has been ruling our media and the left wing of our Democratic Party knows that there is nothing they can do to stop this move of God. You will see many of those who have been in leadership of our country brought to trail and many of them will go to prison and a few of them will be charged with treason and pay the price for it.

I encourage you to seek the Lord about these things and especially before you vote.